"I heard about what you guys are doing, and I think it's pretty brave! Those so called beauty pageants are nothing but meat markets! I wish you the best of luck in getting it cancelled. For my part, I promise to make you as beautiful as possible."

"Thanks, but I'm beginning to think stupid is more appropriate than brave.

"Oh no, you'll love it! If you were big hairy jocks, then it would be stupid. You three guys will look terrific, and I'm betting one of you will win."

Sam took the last comment as being ridiculous because he still didn't believe they would last the first few days. Mr. Carlson was bound to find a reason to disqualify them.

As the woman worked with scissors and comb for a long time, Sam became worried about the amount of hair she was cutting off. When he voiced his concerns, she assured him that he would look great. When she was done cutting, she began applying some kind of goo out of a squeeze bottle and worked it into his hair. Then, before he could complain, she wrapped some plastic over his head and put him under a dryer.

While under the dryer, he met up with Paul who also had his hair covered in plastic, but they couldn't talk much because of the noise. After a while, they were taken back to the cubicles by their stylists, and their hair was rinsed and shampooed again. Sam was beginning to wonder when this was going to end when the woman said she didn't plan to put his hair in rollers. Instead, she worked away with a brush and a blow dryer.

Paul found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror as his stylist finished drying his long hair. He was amazed to see that it shone like corn silk, in fact, it was now beautifully highlighted with silver blonde throughout. The ends had been trimmed so that his tresses cascaded smoothly down his back ending in a precise crescent shape around his shoulder blades. In a daze, he started to rise, but the stylist pulled him back saying that she wasn't finished.

As he sat back, Paul watched as she began combing sections of his hair out and doing something behind his back that he couldn't see. Twenty minutes later, she was done and handed him a mirror so he could view the results. As he gazed into the mirror, he almost fainted! His light blonde

copyright, 1995

BLONDE & BLONDER -33 streaked hair was woven into a soft French braid that draped sensually at the sides right to his shoulders where it ended. The rest of the braid was pinned underneath and hidden.

"Any girl would envy your hair!" she exclaimed obviously pleased with her efforts. "It's like corn silk. Now, we your face."


Paul then felt himself being tilted back so she could work overtop of him. The plucking of his eyebrows was painful, but she just shushed his complaints saying, "All this is just routine stuff for girls."

Heeding her advice, Paul relaxed and rested quietly until the plucking was over. At least, the rest didn't hurt as bad. She was working on his face with all kinds of creams, brushes, and powders. Finally, she lifted his chair upright. Shock! Total shock! Staring back at Paul in the mirror was a beautiful young woman! No! It was him! His delicately arched brows framed eyes that were made up with golden brown shades, and his lips were outlined with a reddish brown color and filled in with a lighter shade of the same. "Is that me?" He finally managed to say.

"Yes," she replied, somewhat in awe of what she had created. In the beginning, she had been somewhat skeptical when her employer explained what was happening and what she was to do with her "client." However, once she saw that Paul was excellent material for this project, she put her all into it. Now, seeing the results and knowing that this was a young man, that she had successfully turned into the perfect image of a woman, gave her a strange naughty thrill. Still, she wasn't quite finished.

"One more job," she said as she took his hand and pulled over a table covered with many colored bottles, files, and emery boards. With that, Paul sat dazed, alternately looking at his image in the mirror and at the manicure process that this beautiful woman was performing on his fingers. On the one hand he was feeling normal sexual attraction for this gorgeous blonde that was holding his hand, and on the other, he would glance at the mirror and wonder how could he think such thoughts. His image was at least as feminine and sexy as hers!

Finally finished, she removed the cape and let him stand up, and for the first time, he saw the whole picture! Silky blonde hair, a soft feminine face accented with makeup,